

Liposuction is the technique of reshaping, refining and recontouring the body when exercise and diet are not working. It is not a method for weight loss or removing excess skin, however, it can be a solution for removing fat deposits and weight that will not shift.

Liposuction can involve different techniques and procedures. In your consultation with Dr Shortt, the appropriate use of liposuction for your desired outcome will be discussed. He will take a thorough medical history from you, discuss your surgical options, explain the complete procedure and potential risks, what to expect pre and post liposuction, the potential need for compression garments, and your estimated recovery time. There are many myths when it comes to liposuction and the outcomes it can achieve, which will be discussed in detail when you meet with Dr Shortt.

Dr Shortt will go over your options, so you feel that your surgery is specifically planned for you.

When to consider having this procedure?

In general, candidates for liposuction are aged 18 – 65 years, are in good health and are able to have sedation or general anaesthetic, and may have one or more of the following characteristics:


excess body fat on the tummy, abdomen, thighs, arms, buttocks, neck or jowls


desire the removal of fat deposits that cannot be reduced with regular exercise


in combination with a breast reduction, breast lift or a tummy tuck, to reduce excess fatty tissue and further enhance the cosmetic result


feel self conscious in your clothing due to a disproportionate silhouette


you are looking for a more desirable shape

What is the recovery time?

In general, the recovery time following liposuction is approximately 3-6 weeks. You will have to wear some form of compression for up to 6 weeks but may return to activity well before then. For all residual swelling to resolve and skin to tighten completely, it may take several months, with swelling that can potentially last 4-6 months. As with any surgery under general anaesthetic, there are potential risks or complications to consider.

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Feel good, look great!