Laser Skin Rejuvenation
Laser skin rejuvenation can involve skin resurfacing, skin tightening and reducing skin pigmentation. Some of the laser resurfacing techniques can treat a number of conditions including discolouration, fine lines, deep wrinkles, acne scarring and broken blood vessels.
Our office has various lasers to suit your individual needs, including hair removal, IPL (intense pulsed light), ablative resurfacing laser and Fraxel®. Dr Shortt will discuss with you the appropriate laser skin rejuvenation techniques, according to your specific needs and desired outcome.
There is nothing that will make your skin look so nice as a laser treatment will:
It will lighten or remove pigmented spots.
It will minimize or delete broken vessels and red patches.
It will erase fine lines completely and minimize the deeper ones.
Nothing works around the mouth for wrinkles like laser resurfacing.
It has been shown in studies to reorient collagen fibres, to stimulate new collagen and to literally turn on RNA (the signal to make proteins) that is usually only found in young people’s skin.
Dr Shortt will go over your options, so you feel that your surgery is specifically planned for you.
When to consider having this procedure?
Laser skin rejuvenation is a non surgical procedure commonly performed to rejuvenate the skin. If you have one or more of the following characteristics, laser skin rejuvenation might be the appropriate treatment for you:
desire to treat discolouration of the skin, fine lines or deep wrinkles
reduce the appearance of sun damage and pigmentation
self conscious about appearance due to acne scarring or broken blood vessels
desire to “reverse the clock” and restore firmness to the skin
seeking treatment for hair reduction

What is the recovery time?
Treatment with laser to rejuvenate the skin can involve different applications. Each technique offers a different result with a separate recovery time. In a private consultation, these non surgical procedures will be discussed, as well as potential risks or complications, and the expected recovery time for each application.
Learn more about Face Treatments in Dr Shortt’s Blog
Recovery Series Vol. 3: What to Expect Following Laser Resurfacing Treatment
There is really nothing that will make your skin glow and erase wrinkles the way that laser resurfacing can. Celebrities like Jennifer Aniston and Chelsea Handler have raved about the results they have obtained from laser treatments. I have had patients tell me that they are often told they look 10-20 years younger!
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The Popularity of Laser Skin Treatments Today
PATIENT RESOURCES / DR’s Blog (Source: BBL + Contour RTL + ProFractional) “I take care of my skin, eat well, exercise, and I love lasers” Jennifer Aniston, InStyle Magazine UK, My 2015. Laser skin treatments are gaining...
Feel good, look great!