How to Manage Pain After Surgery

How to Manage Pain After Surgery

Categories: Arms (Brachioplasty) & Thighs ,Liposuction ,Lumps And Bumps ,Plastic Surgery ,Recovery ,Scar Revision ,

Are you worried about pain after plastic surgery? I see a lot of patients in my practise for a variety of different types of plastic surgery. I think it is really important to take plenty of time to explain surgery options and expectations to my patients.

Scar Revision – Surgical and Non-Surgical Procedures

Scar Revision – Surgical and Non-Surgical Procedures

Categories: Breast Reduction ,Plastic Surgery ,Scar Revision ,

As a plastic surgeon I care a lot about scars. My reputation is on the line every time I make an incision in someone. Beyond my reputation, I really want people to be happy. It gives me great pleasure to see a scar heal and be barely visible; it is a competition with myself each time I operate.

What is a Body Lift or Body Contouring Surgery?

What is a Body Lift or Body Contouring Surgery?

Categories: Arms (Brachioplasty) & Thighs ,Body Contouring ,Liposuction ,Lumps And Bumps ,Plastic Surgery ,Scar Revision ,

It really means something different to everybody, because everyone responds a bit differently to how they lose weight. The most common areas for this surgery after losing a lot of weight are the chest, breasts, buttocks, abdomen, rolls in the back, or even in the neck and face.