How to Get a Great Mommy Makeover and Look Like a Celebrity

How to Get a Great Mommy Makeover and Look Like a Celebrity

Categories: Mommy Makeover ,Plastic Surgery ,Tummy Tuck ,

How do celebrities look so great post-pregnancy and what surgeries are they getting to look this way?

I was answering questions in Realself recently, when I came across this question and I thought I would share my response. Some celebrities look amazing after pregnancy… as though they never had a baby at all. Several things contribute to this.

Why I Love the Mommy Makeover

Why I Love the Mommy Makeover

Categories: Breast Augmentation ,Breast Lift ,Breast Reduction ,Mommy Makeover ,Plastic Surgery ,Tummy Tuck ,

A breast lift and a tummy tuck are surgical procedures that go well together: one surgery day; one recovery; less costs; and an amazing body transformation. I perform breast and tummy surgeries together on a regular basis. It is referred to as the Mommy Makeover and is one of the most satisfying procedures for my patients and me. I see patients regularly who are interested in returning their bodies back to its pre-pregnancy stage.

Mommy Makeover – Giving You Back Your Pre-Pregnancy Body

Mommy Makeover – Giving You Back Your Pre-Pregnancy Body

Categories: Breast Augmentation ,Breast Reduction ,Mommy Makeover ,Plastic Surgery ,Tummy Tuck ,

How would you like to bring back your pre-pregnancy body? A mommy makeover is typically requested by women post-pregnancy who would like to return their bodies back to their pre-pregnancy appearance. It can often involve a tummy tuck and breast surgery, which can include breast augmentation with implants, a breast reduction, a breast lift, body contouring to reshape the silhouette, and/or liposuction.

Belly Button Beautification – UMBILICOPLASTY

Belly Button Beautification – UMBILICOPLASTY

Categories: Arms (Brachioplasty) & Thighs ,Belly Button ,Liposuction ,Lumps And Bumps ,Plastic Surgery ,Tummy Tuck ,Umbilicoplasty ,

The most obvious sign that someone has had a tummy tuck is an unattractive belly button. The importance of a nice belly button is often overlooked. My goal in tummy tuck surgery is to allow someone to walk along a beach in a bikini without a stranger knowing they had surgery. This requires a low scar that hides under the bikini and a natural looking belly button with no visible scars.